Thanks to our generous friends, Greg and Lisa, we were able to spend a couple of days down at the beach. We have been joining Greg and Lisa on Long Beach Island for several years now. Jennifer would come down here for crazy weekends during her early working days...while Tom was enjoying the year-round sun in southern California.
Here is the house they rented this year. Plenty of room and right on the beach!
Everyone seemed to have a great time at the beach.
One thing that wasn't around when we first started going to LBI were the kids. It seems that each year, the collection is getting larger and larger. We love 'em. Especially once they are asleep.
Tristan has discovered that there are frogs in our koi pond (no koi, just frogs). Apparently, there is an gene which attracts young boys to frogs as he will no leave them alone. He wants to watch them, he wants them to jump into the water, he wants to touch them. I am certain it will not be long before he is, like Dennis the Menace before him, coming into the house, frog(s) in hand.
Here, Dad is experimenting with his new Aiptek A-HD video camera. It started out as a rainy day, but turned into a Froggie Adventure.
Daddy showed Tristan this video on his computer while T was having lunch. As Daddy went to prepare his own lunch, he heard the video start again. Yes, Tristan had figured out how to play the video on Daddy's computer (he is only 2). Watch here
Aunt Tara (also known as sister Tara) threw a big party to celebrate Flag Day...and her new house. Friends and family from Brooklyn, Rockland, Westchester, New Jersey and Long Island joined her in Chestnutridge for BBQ and guided tours.