No, we have not embraced child labor, Tristan and William are trying out their bubble mowers on one of the first warm days of the summer (94 degrees!)
The shirtless look started with William being too warm in the outfit Tom picked out this morning and then he got his onesie dirty. Then Tristan had to copy his baby brother.
While Jennifer was out of town, Tom took the boys up to Macedonia State Park to go fishing with Tristan's friend Rory. Rory's dad, Andrew, has supplied the equipment in the past, but this time Tom brought his own nets ($1 butterfly nets from Target).
Tom's latest obsession is the family tree. His sister, Deborah, started this a long while ago with the goal of seeing how far back the family went. Tom's simply want to understand how his boys are related to Jennifer's sprawling branch of relatives. Check out the tree at
Is is becoming something of a tradition for the Payne's to celebrate Easter with a visit to the Lieberman's for Passover Seder.
This year, we were joined by cousin Mikey. It was Mikey's first seder. Here he is reading a portion of the haggadah, the story of Passover, while Tristan enjoys some matzah.
Tristan took some good closeups of our host, Mel.
Here Tristan catches fellow guest, Ron, setting up some wine for Elijah...and himself.